King County came in high today: 128 infections. Almost triple the prediction from the “optimistic” model and almost double the logarithmic model. That being said, both models are sticking with their guns for tomorrow and still remain very predictive.
I wonder what a day like today does to Inslee as he’s deciding how fast to re-open the Washington economy. You hate to see numbers in the hundreds in King County again after several good days. However, we continue to be on a better trajectory. My guess is that Inslee is going to be VERY conservative on re-opening the economy – not a word often associated with him.
An aside: I laugh every time I hear Inslee say the word “Washingtonians.” I don’t think anyone else in the country uses that word as often as he does.
Tomorrow’s predictions:
Optimistic model: 52
Logarithmic model: 73