Seahawks training camp notes

I attended the Seahawks’ open training camp at Husky Stadium on Sunday. It was a great event, and the fans got to see all the players run through drills and play a quick scrimmage. (More pictures at the bottom) Key Takeaways: Hasselbeck took part in a few drills but didn’t

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-08

Germans call tungsten "Wolfram." Hence the "W" on the periodic table. # Chart of the day: AOL Revenue: '07 to '10 # "Men are 35% faster and 2.4% more accurate than women at parking cars overall" # Seeing the Blue Angels circling outside is pretty cool # Wish

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Buy a share of Facebook through Sharespost

Facebook isn’t listed on the NYSE or NASDAQ. But you can find the company on Sharespost, a secondary market for private companies where stock grants are actively traded. The idea is intriguing. Current and former employees are loaded with shares that may be worth something someday. But until then, they’re

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No trains in our neighborhood!

“Not in my backyard” is a common phrase people say in response to initiatives that are positive for society but could have negative impacts to the surrounding area. Nuclear power plants, landfills, and homeless shelters are a few examples. Add light rail to the list. Folks in South Bellevue have

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-01

Obama driving a Chevy Volt 10 feet reminds me how much I love political PR stunts during election years # "(N. Korea's World Cup coach) Kim Jong-hun was expelled from the Worker's Party and forced to become a construction worker." @slate # That's a football player's name! RT @Seahawks

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How to cancel your Sprint wireless contract

I finally canceled my$29.99, 300 daytime minute “Free and Clear” plan from the year 2000. It’s pretty easy to talk to someone in the cancellation department. It’s the canceling that’s difficult to get done. First of all, when you reach a person, make sure you write down their name. Ask

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