- The Los Angeles Angels translates to “The The Angels Angels” (via @neiltyson)
- Why does the NCAA have to be such a downer: Bowl applications denied for “Cure Bowl” and “Christmas Bowl” http://bit.ly/9g1k5N #cfb2010
- Congrats @bcahill ! RT @mikespataro: Happy to see our own Blake Cahill as the newest WOMMA Board Member – http://bit.ly/aJu6AU
- Who ruled predicting the draft? Not Mel Kiper Jr. http://www.pacificnorthwestcoastbias.com/nfl-draft-prediction-rankings/
- Bill Simmons and Peter King were right. Tebow goes in the first round. Kudos, prognosticators!
- Of the major draft forecasters, only Bill Simmons and Peter King have Tim Tebow going in round 1. I think they’re wrong. #timtebow
- Seattle garbage truck drivers made an avarage of $110,000 last year. The city needs to work on its negotiating skills. http://bit.ly/aqaAtK
- Draft Day is one of my favorite days of the year.
- “The name Courtney Love is a way to oppress me” – Courtney Love
- If the Sonics hadn’t left Seattle, I’d be able to watch both Kevin Durant and Eric Maynor play the Lakers. Sigh.
- RT @bck: ‘An SQL statement walks into a bar and sees two tables. It approaches, and asks “may I join you?”‘
- Mississippi was nearly named Washington. If that happened, would Washington State be called Mississippi?