- RT @PriscoCBS: Should have kicked there, Tech. #
- The poor sound on ESPN's Clemson-UNC game makes it almost unwatchable. #mute #
- I agree with Cain: "Stupid people are ruining America." http://t.co/GyPjvojF #
- Who knew Tony La Russa was once the youngest manager in the majors. Or that he was on a gameshow. http://t.co/VmTwZS3U #
- Lufthansa sells used aircraft seats!: From the Lufthansa in-flight magazine. http://t.co/HL8rDtoV #
- What is the difference between subprime underwriters and Missouri? Nothing, the SEC is ignoring both of them http://t.co/WkMZKBe9 #
- I wonder what @JustinMorg thinks about this – Put 14 men on the line to eat clock at the end of a game. http://t.co/mjXys2a4 #
- Wow. 5 computers have OKST ranked #1 #
- eTrade spends $1.76 / year to tell me I have $0.07 invested with them: When I rolled over my 401k two years ago,… http://t.co/6YLSewHH #
- Love Scrabble controversy! A player demanded his opponent be strip-searched to prove he did not hide the "G" tile. http://t.co/bS27gVwi #
- Bummer that Lattimore is out for the season. What a fun runner to watch. #
- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-10-16: Check out the sunset. # I was successful for 2 seconds http://t.co/sNXWFz... http://t.co/4HNvmYSI #