- "Even if [Lance Armstrong] were a sweet person who ran an orphanage (neither is true), Armstrong would be a cheater." http://t.co/XYd5Jevx #
- I'm really glad Michael Pineda is not a Mariner right now. http://t.co/JdTZuzDs #
- If the MLB season began at the All Star break, who would be going to the playoffs?: While the Texas Rangers have… http://t.co/DZvSYjyp #
- If the season started at the All-Star break and ended today, the Mariners would be in the playoffs. @Mariners http://t.co/rfWcjZIn #felixing #
- Allison: "Isn't it weird that http://t.co/29TT3WoY has an item that's out of stock?" #
- Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-08-19: NFL’s Blackout Rule undermines Batman: The Dark Knight Rises: I finally s… http://t.co/zLAFUaLu #