USPS recently announced that two of the three Bellevue Post Offices will consolidate into a new location that is yet to be determined. I wondered, based on user rankings, what is the best post office in Bellevue, and is it closing?
Based on personal experience, the Downtown Bellevue Post Office never has a line shorter than 5 deep. The Midlakes branch (116th) has been relatively quiet, and the Crossroads branch is generally more calm than downtown, but out of the way.
But I wanted to use an objective rating, so leveraged ratings within Google Maps.
Based on pretty good sample sizes (27 total rankings, 5 or more for each), Crossroads comes out on top, with a rating of 3-out-of-5-stars. Downtown Bellevue registered 2-of-5. And Midlakes has a paltry 1.5-of-5 stars.
So, it looks like the USPS is making the right decision in closing the 2 lowest-performing post offices in town. And next time you have to mail a package, it might be worth driving the extra distance to Crossroads.